
뉴스 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 What is the procedure of purchasing and Thundermail’s license policy?
작성자 ThunderMail 등록일 2014-07-14 조회수 1621

ThunderMail is being sold as a license policy for one server.

The selling price can differ depending on the selection of standard features and optional features.

Precise estimations can be offered through consultation.

When purchasing the product, the solution will be tested and installed for you,

as well as a user education session. Also, for one year, maintenance service is provided free of charge.

뉴스 게시판의 이전글 다음글
이전글 [삼성의료원] 보안메일발송 시스템 공급계약 체결
다음글 [문화체육관광부] 대량메일발송 시스템 공급계약 체결
  • (06097)  3 Floor Jinyeong Building 39 Seolleungno112gil Gangnam-gu Seoul S.KOREA
    T. 070-7095-9792  F. 02-541-0602  
    Email : thundermail@andwise.com 
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