Member Information UI
In order to run e-mail marketing, there should be a process that helps categorize the target audience.
Out of this process, there is an important step that marketers consistently use, which is file uploading. Directly accessing a DB to extract objects is a difficult method, so the work is processed by giving the terms of the object extraction to the IT manager.
The problems with these methods are:
First, a loss in work time, the information cannot be processed in real time.
Second, member information is usually sent by mail, which leads to the risk of customer information leaks.
Third, marketers need to process various marketing methods utilizing different condition, and the work environment is hard to ask for cooperation every time.
For these reasons, ThunderMail’s Member Information UI function will allow marketers to avoid these problems and process marketing work more smoothly.
Customers can be categorized variously depending on properties of saved information in customer DB
Throughout member information UI separately produced, extract and categorize e-mail marketing object directly from DB
Support immediate marketing work process, minimize possibility of information leak, and increase marketing ROI throughout optimized targeting