
뉴스 게시글의 상세 화면
제목 Is it possible to achieve a high reach rate by sending cartload stabilized mail when using ThunderMail?
작성자 ThunderMail 등록일 2014-07-14 조회수 1710

It mostly depends on the system environment. It is possible to average 300,000 mails per hour for each server.

ThunderMail optimizes each domain to send e-mails by filtering out permanent mail failures before starting to send.

Thus, it is highly possible to maintain a reach rate of over 80%.

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  • (06097)  3 Floor Jinyeong Building 39 Seolleungno112gil Gangnam-gu Seoul S.KOREA
    T. 070-7095-9792  F. 02-541-0602  
    Email : thundermail@andwise.com 
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